viernes, 15 de abril de 2022

Congreso: Desarrollo de Sociedades Sostenibles a través de la Educación Superior

Invitation/Call for contributions - 3 Conferences - Towards Sustainable, Knowledge and Ethical Societies

El  primero de los 3 eventos  se realizará el 26 y 27 de mayo, en español, y está dirigido a Améríca Latina de modo especial.   De 18 a 21, en horario CEST.

El título es : Desarrollo de Sociedades Sostenibles a través de la Educación Superior

Partners de la organización con Globethics son la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad Austral y la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, ambas de Argentina.

Para más información y para registrarse: link

It is our pleasure to announce an exciting Conference Series entitled ‘Towards Sustainable, Knowledge and Ethical Societies – the Contribution of Higher Education Institutions’ and a related publications project … and to invite your contributions!

In our world of rapidly available and changing information, we seek to build knowledge that is informed with an ethical orientation—only then will the sustainability we desire be possible.

A series of three conferences in May, June and July this year will explore these themes with expert speakers and through the delivery of papers. Each conference, being led by regional offices, is also international in scope through the speakers and paper givers.

Please note that an e-certificate will be issued for full attendance at each conference upon request.

We encourage you to register NOW to reserve your place <>

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